Saturday, August 31, 2019

Food Inc, opinion paper Essay

Question 1: Based on your viewing of Food, Inc., how does your view of â€Å"farm-fresh† and other marketing messages that suggest a more organic flow of food products relate to the realities of 21st-century marketing channels for food? The American Marketing Association defines marketing as â€Å"the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large† ( The marketing mix consists of product, price, place, promotion, which means that a company needs to sell the right product at the right price and in the right place, using the best promotion. Because of all of this, â€Å"farm-fresh† and organic foods must fight in the marketplace against traditionally farmed foods. Looking at the product: what exactly makes a food organic? Organic can mean different things to different people, and even has a different meaning between companies. According to, the USDA defines organic food as that which is produced with emphasized use of renewable resources, plus conservation of soil and water. Organic food is produced without conventional pesticides, fertilizers made with synthetics or waste, bioengineered, or ionized radiation. â€Å"Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones† ( A government-approved certifier must inspect farms where organic foods are grown to assure that the farmer follows all USDA rules and meets organic standards. Price is a large factor when most people go grocery shopping, especially during these tough economic times. Many, including myself, can argue that organic or â€Å"farm-fresh† foods are just too expensive to buy on a regular basis, or even at all. Personally, I will buy whichever brand is cheapest, without paying attention to where or how it is produced. According to, one should consider the following facts when wondering why an organic product might cost more than it’s traditionally grown counterpart: Conventional farmers receive federal subsidies, while organic farmers do not, so the price of organic food reflects the true cost of growing. Environmental cleanups, that we pay for with our tax dollars, is not reflected in conventional food. Organic production is more labor and management intensive. And finally, organic farms do not benefit from the economies of scale that larger, more conventional farmers receive. The placement of organic foods is generally next to conventional foods in most grocery stores. Some stores may have a separate organic section, or the organic product could be placed next to its conventionally grown counterpart. Some grocery stores, such as Natural Grocers, only sell USDA approved organic or naturally grown produce and meat, and would not be concerned with placement. Organic foods are generally promoted as being more nutritious than conventional foods. Although, admits that there is not research to back this claim, at this time, there are studies that show that organic food has a higher nutritional value. This makes since, considering they are grown more naturally, with less chemicals. This film does expose something about organic or â€Å"farm-fresh† foods: the American food industry is supposed to be protected by the USDA and FDA, but they have been allowing these suppliers to focus on profit and put aside consumer health, the environment, and worker safety. Question 2: Based on your answer to Question 1, are you likely to change how and where you procure your foods (i.e., grocery stores, farmers’ markets, fast-food outlets)? Please explain your reasons. I have never been concerned about how my food was made or where it came from. I have never paid attention to organic foods, GMOs, all-natural, or anything related to the production of the foods I eat. As far as I know, my parents never paid attention to these things either. Because of this, â€Å"farm-fresh† and other marketing of organic foods has not affected me. I just purchase the foods that I want and pay no attention to whether they are â€Å"farm-fresh†, organic, locally grown, etc. I will buy whatever is cheapest,  not whatever is healthiest, most natural, or whatever. My opinion and food purchasing habits will most likely not change after viewing this movie. This question reminds me of high school health class, where we had to watch â€Å"Supersize Me.† Everyone started saying how gross it is, that they are never eating at McDonalds again, or whatever other promises they were making. All I could think was that I could totally go for some McNuggets after school that day! I guess it is just because I have never worried about where the food I eat comes from. However, I have always paid attention to salmonella and E. coli recalls. I remember not eating beef or spinach or peanut butter when there was an outbreak in their plants, because why would I want to get sick? So, I would say no, I will not change where or how I procure my groceries. I will not say that I did not get sad watching those little baby chicks die, or the chickens getting slung around. And those poor cows getting slaughtered, and that one that had that hole and the guy was digging around in her stomach, and said that she was not in pain†¦how does he know?! He’s just cut a big hole in her and is sticking his hand in her stomach, and she cannot tell you that she is in pain! Question 3: Finally, do you think there are any ethical and/or social responsibility issues that confront marketing channels for food distribution? Chicken are manipulated to grow bigger breasts, tomatoes are genetically engineered to not go bad by being picked while they are green, then ripened with chemicals. Tens of thousands of Americans get sick from new strains of E. coli every year. Levels of obesity are shooting upwards, and diabetes in adults and children have reached epidemic proportions. If Americans knew how corporations used subsidies and exploited laws to make more money, would they think more carefully about what they are eating? The truth is, most people have no clue where their foods come from. Below, I will list secrets and other things that the public should know about the food that they are putting into their bodies. I found a list on ( of 18 â€Å"Food, Inc.† facts that everyone should know, which I have compared  with my notes and compiled the following paragraphs. I feel that if everyone was aware of these facts, it would increase the social responsibility of these companies, and people would have trust in them. These facts pertain to the slaughterhouses and meat packers. In the 1970s, the top five beef packers controlled about 25% of the market, while today, more than 80% of the market is controlled by the top four. In the 1970s, there were thousands of slaughterhouses producing the majority of beef sold, while today, there are only 13. In 1972, the FDA conducted 50,000 food safety inspections. Approximately 32,000 hogs a day are killed in Smithfield Hog Processing Plant in Tar Heel, NC, the largest slaughterhouse in the world. In 2006, the FDA only conducted 9,164. These facts pertain to Monsanto and the USDA. Prior to renaming itself an agribusiness company, Monsanto was a chemical company. In 1996 when Monsanto introduced Round-Up Ready Soybeans, the company controlled only 2% of the U.S. soybean market. Now, over 90% of soybeans contain Monsanto’s patented gene in the United States. In 1998, the USDA implemented microbial testing for salmonella and an E. coli strain so that the USDA could shut down the plant if they repeatedly failed these tests; the USDA no longer has this power after being taken to court by the meat and poultry associations. These facts pertain to the FDA, USDA, and congressmen. During the Bush administration, the head of the FDA was the former executive vice president of the National Food Processors Association. Also during the Bush administration, the chief staff at the USDA was the former chief lobbyist for the beef industry in Washington. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was an attorney at Monsanto from 1976-1979; after his appointment to the Supreme Court, Justice Thomas wrote the majority opinion in a case that helped Monsanto enforce its seed patents. The SB63 Consumer Right to Know measure, requiring all food derived from cloned animals to be labeled as such, passed the California state legislature before being vetoed in 2007 by Governor Schwarzenegger, who said that he couldn’t sign a bill that pre-empted federal law. The rest of these facts are just interesting. The average chicken farmer (with two poultry houses) invests over $500,000, but only makes $18,000 a year. The average American eats over 200 pounds of meat each year. The modern supermarket stocks, on average 47,000 products, most of which are being produced by only a handful of food companies. About 70% of processed have some genetically modified ingredients. According to the American Diabetes Association, 1 in 3 Americans born after 2000 will contract early onset diabetes. Among minorities, the rate will be 1 in 2. E. coli and salmonella outbreaks have been more frequent in America. In 2007, there were 73,000 people wicked by the E. coli bacteria. Organics is the fastest growing food segment, increasing 20% annually.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Professional relationships with children Essay

Describe how to establish respectful, professional relationships with adults. The support which you will need to give other adults will be on several levels which can be remembered with the acronym PIPE. Practical: you may be working with others who are unfamiliar with the classroom or school surroundings who need help or advice finding equipment or resources. Informative: you may need to give support to people who may not have information about a particular situation, or you may be asked to prepare or write reports on specific students. Professional: you may need to support or help others with things such as planning or you may be asked if others can observe you while working with students. Emotional: it is important to support others through day-to-day events by keeping a sense of humour. The main elements to building relationships with children and adults in any situation are if others are comfortable in your company as they will be more likely to communicate effectively. If people don’t get along or feel uneasy around each other they tend to avoid each other whenever possible and so relationships don’t develop. Positive relationships don’t happen by chance they need to be thought about and ways to develop them need to be considered. The importance of adult relationships as role models for Children and Young People. When working as a professional adult with children and young people you need to remember that you should be a positive role model for the students. This means you have to show them how to relate to and communicate with others at all times through your interactions and relationships with other adults and students, it is also important that they see you behaving professionally and appropriately while in school. You build relationships with other people in school on a daily basis in numerous ways. Children and young people will always respond to positive communication and relationships from adults, this will help them want to be in school and learn more. In some cases parents  may not always agree with the school’s ethos, this shouldn’t be seen as a negative thing, this should be seen as an opportunity for the school and parents to talk and discuss what they believe is est for the student/s. Task 2 – Know how to communicate with children, young people and adults. How communication with children and young people differs across different age ranges and stages of development. Communication can be broken down into 4 different sub categories: Verbal, non-verbal, formal and informal. Depending on age children and young people will require different levels of attention when communicating. Younger children may need more reassurance especially if they have only just started school, which may result in them need more physical contact. As children grow up and become more mature they may need more help when talking through issues or reflecting on their thoughts. You need to remember to adapt vocabulary used and consider repeating what you have said when speaking with younger children to make sure they understand what you have talked about. You need to act more sensitively towards children who have communication difficulties, such as partial hearing, as they will need to take their time and feel comfortable when speaking. Some children may not be nervous when speaking so you will need to change the way in which you communicate to make sure that it suits their individual needs. If they have a speech disorder like a stammer or tourettes which can make it difficult for them, you need to allow them to take their time and not rush them. It is also important to try and not fill in words for them or guess what they are trying to say as this could add to their nervousness and may make their speech disorder worse or make them lose confidence in themselves. Additional training is a good thing to consider to help you be able to communicate effectively with the students. In some cases when children have special educational needs you may have to have additional equipment in order to communicate with each other such as hearing aids and microphones. The main differences between communicating with adults and communicating with children and young people. There can be many similarities when communicating with adults, children and young people, such as always remembering to maintain eye contact, responding to what they have said and treating them with respect. However when communicating with children and young people you also need to think about the relationship with their parent/carer and what that means in a school context. No matter how well you get on with the person you must always remember that they need to see you in a professional way and that your relationship with them will always need to be that way when in school. Whenever you communicate with children and young people you need to make sure your very clear in what you say. They rely on teachers to communicate clearly to them what is expected of them, so that they can communicate well for themselves. You should not use over complicated language which could confuse them or long lists of instructions which can make things difficult for them to grasp. As adults, you need to show children and young people how to get along and communicate with each other positively. You also need to show behaviour that you expect from them. If you can show the students that you value and respect others around you they are more likely to show the same behaviour towards adults and other students. Children copy the adult behaviour around them from an early age regardless of if its positive or negative behaviour being exhibited. By showing respect for each other when communicating with adults or children this will help young children learn and grow up with positive communication skills.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Wendy Citrarasa

PT. WENDY CITRARASA Alexandre Richard Arief Putratama Said Ryandiaz ACCOUNTING – 4 [pic] Campus BSD – City Bumi Serpong Damai – 15321 Island of Java – Indonesia June 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, we would like to thank God Almighty for His blessing during the process from the start until the end of the interview at PT. Wendy Citrarasa. Our group would also like to thank PT. Wendy Citrarasa, who managed to spare us some time for the interview and provide resources in order to finish the project. Especially to Mr.Ipeng Widjojo, the owner of Wendy’s for this opportunity. The knowledge came from this project has been a great opportunity on a real business example on a corporate marketing. Author also thank to Mr. Bernadus Agus Finardi (Swiss German University Marketing lecturer) for his assitance towards the project. In the end, we would like to apologize if there is any unintentional mistakes. It is our deepest expectation that this project paper may broaden up the knowledge of the readers and we appreciate any feedbacks. Thank you. BSD City, 2011 abstract PT. WENDY CITRARASA his paper are a compilation of what the student had learn during in class session with Mr. Bernardus Agus Finardi, and the interview with Mr. Ipeng Widjojo as the Head of PT. Wendy Citrarasa. The purpose of this paper is to make student able to understand more about marketing theory, and the marketing behind PT. Wendy Citrarasa. The interview was held on 26th may 2011 by Mr. Ipeng Widjojo himself. This project is expected to be submitted on 10th june 2011. The group are expected to anlyze the real case in indonesia from the perspective of Customer Driven Marketing Strategy.The extends of the topic includes some chapter in the Principle of Marketing book which are Company General Overview, Marketing Environment and Analysis, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Mix, Customer Driven Marketing Strategy, New-Products Development, Pricing Products: Understanding a nd Caputring Customer Value, and Advertising & Public Relations. a. Background 1. TOPIC’S BACKGROUND Fast food refers to food that can be prepared and served quickly. Fast food restaurants usually have a walk up counter or drive-thru window where you order and pick up your food.There is a lot of international fast food restaurants in Indonesia such as Mcdonalds, KFC, Burger King, and many more. Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers (simply known as Wendy's) is an international fast food restaurant founded by Dave Thomas on November 15, 1969, in Columbus, Ohio, United States. The company decided to move its headquarters to Dublin, Ohio, on January 29, 2006. As of March 2010, Wendy's was the world's third largest hamburger fast food chain with approximately 6,650 locations, following McDonald's 31,000+ locations and Burger King's 12,000+ locations.On April 24, 2008, the company announced a merger with Triarc, the parent company of Arby's. Despite the new ownership, Wendy's headquart ers remained in Dublin. Previously, Wendy's had rejected more than two buyout offers from Triarc Companies Inc. Following the merger, Triarc became known as Wendy's/Arby's Group, a publicly traded company. (RUPSLB), which was held on August 10, 2010. PT Wendy Citrarasa is the firm that covers all the Wendy’s franchise in Indonesia. Currently, it is owned by Ipeng Widjojo, who had studied in the Boston University back in the early 1990s 2. Interview PurposeThe purpose of the interview is to make student understand about marketing in reality and to make student learn about the process in the company. Added on, it will give student experience which be useful for student’s future. 3. methodology This report is a combination from what the writer has learned from university and during the interview period with Mr. Ipeng Widjojo 1. 4 Theory review According to some reliable references, Marketing is â€Å"the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communic ating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Marketing is a product or service selling related overall activities. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business developments. It is an integrated process through which companies build strong customer relationships and create value for their customers and for themselves. Marketing is used to identify the customer, satisfy the customer, and keep the customer. With the customer as the focus of its activities, it can be concluded that marketing management is one of the major components of business management.Marketing evolved to meet the stasis in developing new markets caused by mature markets and overcapacities in the last 2-3 centuries The adoption of marketing strategies requires businesses to shift their focus from production to the perceived needs and wants of their customers as the means of staying profitable. Ma rketing is used to identify the customer, satisfy the customer, and keep the customer. With the customer as the focus of its activities, it can be concluded that marketing management is one of the major components of business management. 1. 5 company general overviewWendy’s/Arby’s Group, Inc. is the nation’s third largest quick service restaurant company and is comprised of the Wendy’s and Arby’s brands, two companies distinguished by traditions of quality food and service. The company, with approximately $12 billion in system-wide sales, owns or franchises over 10,000 restaurants. Approximately 77% of Wendy's restaurants are franchised, the majority of which are located in North America. Wendy's and its affiliates employ more than 46,000 people in its global operations. In fiscal year 2006, the firm had $2. 469 billion (USD) in total sales.While Wendy's sets standards for exterior store appearance, food quality and menu, individual owners have con trol over hours of operations, interior decor, pricing and staff uniforms and wages. Wendy’s arrived in Indonesia back in 1992. In 1997, Wendy’s Indonesia franchise was bought by PT Sirat. Back in year 2006, PT Wendy Citrarasa bought the franchise from PT Sirat. Currently, it has 26 outlets, which covers some major cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Bandung, Jogjakarta, and Surabaya. [pic] Wendy’s current logo [pic][pic] 1. 5. 1 vision of WENDY’STo continuously grow stakeholder value by leveraging the strengths of our vibrant, independent restaurant brands 1. 5. 2 mission of wendy’s People Maintain aligned, people-driven culture and values. ?Attract, retain, and develop top talent. ?Offer performance-driven compensation and rewards. Brands Support independent, relevant, and healthy brands focused on sales growth and profitability. Select and support excellent brand leadership (CEO, President, CMO, etc. ). Profitability Set metrics for performance in sales and profits (EBITDA). ?Maintain a lean and efficient support organization.Growth Provide strategies and resources for growth initiatives (new units, remodels, day part expansion, other new platforms, international expansion, refranchising, etc. ).? Seek acquisitions of other brands and opportunities for growth. Value Establish metrics for creating shareholder value. Provide attractive franchisee ROI/value and competitive business models. Demonstrate community-minded citizenship, and giving back by sharing the wealth. 1. 5. 3 WENDY’S CORE VALUE Integrity We pledge honesty, integrity and ethical behavior in everything we do. AccountabilityWe hold ourselves and our teams accountable to deliver positive results. Respect We treat people the way we would like to be treated. Responsibility We believe in giving back to improve the quality of life in our communities. Innovation We strive to become better every day, both personally and in the services and products we produce. Teamwork We are willing to put the team and the team’s needs before our own needs. Opportunity We believe in creating opportunity for our people to reach their full potential. B. Marketing Environment & Analysis 1. Microeconomics – The companyTalking about interrelated groups such as top management, finance, research & development (R&D), purchasing, operations, and accounting, Wendy’s Restaurant have the internal environment as follow : [pic] From above, we can see that Wendy’s restaurant has five departments, which are marketing, operational, bussiness development, supply chain, and finance. Esspecially for the marketing department, they work closely with other departments in making decision in marketing strategies, and all of the interrelated departments have an impact on the marketing department’s plan and action.They work to achieve goals which is customer value and satisfaction. Supplier Talking about the supplier of Wendy’s Restaurant , it will be closely to the material of the foods & drinks and others properties. Generally, 20% of food materials is still imported. For the basic material of the recipe, like cheese, seasoning (chili, tomato), etc, it is imported from the international supplier. The reason is due to the taste of those imported material is different from the local material, and if Wendy’s use the local material, it causes the different original recipe of Wendy’s menu.Similarly, Wendy’s also imported beef from the international supplier, and the reason is same, which is the different taste. While, they use local supplier for the chicken. Marketing Intermediaries They have no marketing intermediaries because they only sale their product by their own store. Customer The customer of Wendy’s is consumer market which consist of individual and household that buy foods and drinks for personal consumption. Competitor They said that the competitor of Wendy’s is all the fast food restaurant such as McDonalds, A&W, Burger King, etc.They claim that they have the superiority in some menu like burger, baked potatoes compare to their competitor. Public General public which is Wendy’s need to be concern about general pabric attitude toward its product and activities because the public image of the Wendy’s will affect its buying. 2. Macroevironment Demographic Environment Based on survey, Wendy’s menu can attract all gender, but for the age they said that old people prefer some less oil menu like baked potato, salad and soup while the younger people prefer the menu like burger, fried chicken, and french fries. Economic EnvironmentTalking about economic condition of their consumer especially in Indonesia Wendy’s has segmentation to reach middle up class. Natural Environment Is natural resources that are needed as inputs by Wendy’s such as meat, vegetables, and seasoning food material. Technological Environment Is a forces tha t create new technologies, creating new product and market oportunities. As a fast food restaurant, Wendy’s has use some technology that supported its operating process. For example: when customer order the food, the waitress directly tell to the other part of kitchen using mic which relates him to the staff in the kitchen.So, kitchen staff can make the food order faster. Political Environment Is laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence and limit various organization and individuals in a given society. Especially in Indonesia, the laws that closely related to the food business is about â€Å"Halal†. So, in implementing their business, Wendy’s sale the halal product to attract their customer in Indonesia. Cultural environment Is made up institution and other forces that affect society’s basic values, perseption, preferences, and behaviour.Wendy’s as a branch of West culture restaurant has been sucsessful bringing its own culture to Indonesia. We can see that condition from many Indonesian people like the western food including Wendy’s restaurant. Generally the influence of microenvironment and macroenvironment for the company is about how Wendy’s restaurant can research, plan, and implement their marketing strategy by considering both of the environment in order to achieve customer value and satisfaction. While, the obstacle of microenvironment and macro environment for Wendy’s restaurant is: (CompetitorWendy’s must compete to many fast food restaurant in Indonesia. Such as McDonald, KFC, Burger King, CFC, A&W, etc which has their own specialty. So, Wendy’s has to improve their quality and promotion to achieve customer value and satisfaction. (Political Wendy’s has to face many rules and laws in Indonesia which can limit the freedom to make the creativity of their own menu. C. Marketing Mix Chapter 3 Marketing Environment The microenvironment in Wendy’s will help Wendy’s to build relationship with customers. Because all of the streams of company’s environment will connect with the marketing team.The company’s has all interrelated groups of people. The company has suppliers from Indonesia and foreign countries. They still need the US for the burgers because the taste of beef is very elastic in accordance of geographical side. These suppliers are very different in behavior, needs, interests, and everything. The marketing intermediaries help to promote, sell, and distribute its products to final buyers. They include resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing service agencies, and financial intermediaries. In Wendy’s they only have physical distribution firms marketing service agencies, and financial intermediaries.Marketing service agencies is fully controlled and walk solely with other division. And also banks is in company’s important role. The customers hold a very important role in the life of the company. The company will surely give the customers best service, quality and everything that counts into account to make the customers loyal to the company. Mr. Widjojo says that quality that is the one thing that attracts customers. The competitors of Wendy’s are the other fast food companies like Kentucky Fried Chicken, A&W, McDonald’s, and other domestic food channels like Hoka-Hoka Bento, and so on.Chapter 4 Wendy’s have its own marketing information system to support the daily operations of Wendy’s. Because of the many division Wendy’s have, they need its own marketing information system to help the. Information system will create better information for the marketing team and in the end, the marketers will have better target, and win the goal of company’s challenge. Wendy’s keep daily sales and transfer the data to the headquarters. So they can budget and give approximation for the stocks of food in the store. So, internal database is very crucial in the company’s aim to have better service.In other words, Wendy’s does market research on the design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data in marketing to improve the effectiveness of selling. When Wendy’s wants to launch a new product, they always start it with doing market research and take information from customers. Usually Wendy’s does survey research. And take sample from it, which is their customer. After that the information is given to the market researchers. And make something out of the research. Chapter 5 Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior The customer’s cultural factors aren’t applied in Wendy’s.Because everybody’s with middle – middle-upper economic power will buy their product. Do not affect about occupation, gender, age, lifestyles, personality, everybody is willing to buy Wendy’s because Wendy’s is very for everybody. Wendy’s does not take segmented markets for limited buyer, for example, bacons, pork, and something like that. And that helps the market to feel that it’s for everybody. There’s no limitation of buyers. Chapter 7 Customer Driven Marketing Strategy Wendy’s market segmentation is for middle – middle-upper segment. And people will buy if they have the power of buying.And for big middle-up families that want to gather around. Wendy’s position itself in the market different than the other fast food competitors like Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald’s, A&W, etc. quality is their pinpoint of marketing. Most middle-upper consumers are smart buyers. They can choose what’s good and not. So, Wendy’s does not want to deceive the customers by reducing the quality. So, Wendy’s set the customers as their exemplary. Value that Wendy’s given to customers are value in a way. People does not think about the â€Å"a little bit pricey† price, because consumers believe that the price is okay with the quality they give to them.Chapter 8 Branding Strategy The brand is well-known in the world and it has been in Indonesia since 1980s. And every part of the world is held by one franchisee. So it is not so difficult to market the product. But every part of country has its unique product by geographical side. Chapter 10 Pricing Products: Pricing Strategies The price set by Wendy’s Citra Rasa is based on research, and the value they give in the service, food and everything else they put into their food. Factors to consider when setting prices were very vast. There is value based pricing; good value pricing and value added pricing.Value based pricing uses buyers’ perception of value, not the sellers’ cost as the key to pricing. Value-based pricing means that the marketer cannot design / make a product and marketing program and set the price. Price is considered along with other marketing mix variables before the mark eting program is set. [pic] Good value pricing offers the right combination and quality and good service at a fair price. For example, Burger King offers value meal for less than the total of the selected food. In other words, good value pricing give the consumers more quality for the same price or more quality for even less.Value added pricing is a way to build pricing power, to escape the price competition and to justify higher prices and margins without losing market share. It’s better not to cut prices to challenge competitors, but to give value added services and then, support higher prices. Even nowadays it is not always about price, but to keep customers loyal by giving them service that others do not give to them So, in this company’s case, all of the above strategies is used by Wendy’s Citra Rasa. They give customers what they want, and give them service and quality customers do not get anywhere else.Mr. Ipeng said that in Wendy’s everything is d ifferent than the other restaurant in Indonesia. â€Å"It is all about timing. † everything was timed and very precise. The timing is the quality Wendy’s give into service to customers. It promises the customer what is the goodness and healthiness of the food they eat. Also, Wendy’s marketing team uses a strategy they called, Customer Testing Profile. This strategy is used to give random customers a free sample of new product to test. They compiled customer’s opinion and give report to the headquarters.And the headquarters give commands to other division, say, operational division, and then, the decision is taken whether the new product should be launched or not. All the sales daily report is given to the headquarters. In that case, they can decide when to raise the price. Wendy’s can raise the price by monthly sales journal, and check which are the bestseller products in every stores. When they know it, usually they raise the price Rp 1000  œ Rp 5000. Chapter 15 Advertising & Public Relation Wendy’s Citrarasa has its own marketing and advertising division.This division controls all the design, public relations, and everything that is connected to communicating to customers. The main advertising objective is to make people interested in the product they create. Strategies Wendy’s have applied to their advertising method is †¢ The advertising strategy that they have done up to now is always below the line. They haven’t ever tried above the line (TV ads). Unlike any other fast food rivals, that have tried above the line and getting mediocre response, Wendy’s always does below the line but it has gain some serious markets in it. Routine type of adverts that they have applied to their stores is for example, when people come to their store, the waiter / cashier always ask and give customers recommendation of new products so they can try their new products. And Wendy’s store manager tri ed to ask the customers’ feedback by asking how good is the food today, etc. †¢ Promotional, they applied some method in running their business also, for example, free upsize for drinks and French fries for buying the new mushroom cheese burger.It is promotional because it is only for a limited time, and soon the promotion terminated. In the ads problem, Wendy’s has never encountered any problem. The downside is, sometimes the advertising is so good until the stock of food they run is empty. And they cannot serve customers no more. It happens when new products has been launched. D. Marketing Strategies 1. Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Inside Before implementing their marketing strategies / information to customer, Wendy’s do the research of what their customers like, especialy in Western menu.Then they also compare their menu to the competitor, so what the competitor sale will be considered by Wendy’s. Wendy’s also implement their marketing research by looking for the problem that appears (among their stores, their customers, their suppliers, their own managements, and other things) that can hamper their operation. Information system is very important for Wendy’s which can provide the actual data happened. For examples: the complete data of sales which consist of what product sold, kind of product sold, highest sales among 26 stores.One of terminology that Wendy’s has is â€Å"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail†. That terminology always remember by their company before doing marketing research. That words means that the marketing strategy and plan are the main basic for implementing the marketing action because if Company’s makes a mistake in doing the marketing planing, it will make the bad effects of marketing action which cause the failure. For detail the ways that Wendy’s do marketing research as follow: – Defining the problem and research objectivesMarke ting research projects might have one of 3 types of objectives which are : to gather preliminary information that will help defines problems and suggest hypoteses (exploratory research); to better describe marketing problems, situation, or markets, such as the market potential for a product or demographic and attitudes of consumers (descriptive research); to test hypotesis about cause-and-effect relationship (causal research) – Developing the research plan Research objectives must be translated into spesific information needs. The research plan should be presented in written proposal.A written proposal is especially important when the research project is large and complex or when an outside firm carries it out. The proposal should cover the management problem addresed and the research objective, the information to be obtain, and the way the result will help management decision making. The proposal also should include research cost. – Gathering secondary data Secondary data is information that already exist somewhere, having been collected for another purpose. For example: Wendy’s use the data of population demographic in Indonesia. – Primary data collectionPrimary data is information collected for spesific purpose at hand. Some research approach of primary data collection are observational research, ethnographic research, survey research, experimental research. Wendy’s use survey research which is gathering primary data by asking people question about their knowledge, attitudes, preferences, and buying behavior. – Implementing the research plan The researcher puts the marketing research plan into action. This involve collecting, processing, and analysing the information. Researcher should watch closely to make sure that the plan is implemented correctly.Researcher must also process and analysis the collected data to isolate important information and findings. – Interpreting and reporting the finding Researcher m ust interpret the findings, draw conclusion, and report them to management. Researcher should present important findings that are useful in the major decision faced by management. Managers and researcher must work together closely when interpreting research result, and both must share responsibility for the research process and resulting decision, 2. Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behaviour. The kinds of characteristic that affecting consumer behaviour is: – AgeYounge people prefer menu like burger, fried chicken, french fries, and softdrink while the older customer prefer some food which has less oil like salad, baked potatoes and soup. It is because the age influence the physical and health condition of people. So, older people prefer some food that can bring the healthiness for them. But, whatever the product is both of them are prioritizing the quality. – Economic The consumer market of Wendy’s is middle up class because comparing to the other Indonesia food restaurant the price of Wendy’s restaurant is higher than them.The motives of the buyer that affect the willingness to buy the Wendy’s product is physicological needs which is hunger and thirst. Especially the drive or motive of customer to fulfill physical need through Wendy’s is a quality offered and the kind of the menu that the competitor don’t have it. The process going before customer going to buy Wendy’s product is: – Need recognition Is the first state of the buyer decision process, in which the consumer recognizes a problem or need, in this case hunger and thirst. – Information searchIs the stages of a buyer decision process in which the consumer is arrowsedto search for more information; the consumer may simply have heightened attention or may go into active i nformation search. In this case the consumer of Wendy’s have decide to find the food and drink which can satisfy them from hunger and thirsst, so they wil l pay more attention to the advertising of restaurant through website, brochure, and also the location of restaurant. – Evaluation of alternatives Is the stages of buyer decision process in which the consumer use information to evaluate alternatives brand in the choise sets.Consumer swill face some choise of restaurant that can fulfill their needs, generally they will evaluate the kind of western food or Indonesian food or other kind food. And then after they choose Western food, they will evaluate again some brands of the similar food which is the competitors of Wendys such as McDonald, KFC, A&W, Burger King, CFC, etc. – Purchase decision Is the buyer decision about which brand to purchase. Generally, the consumer purchase decision will be to buy the most preffered brand, but 2 factors can come between the purchase intention and purchase decision.The first action is the attitude of others. In this case if the customer’s friends think that he should buy the spec ial menu at Wendy’s then the chances of his buying at other restaurant are reduce. The second factor is unexpected situational factor. The consumer may form a purchase intention based on factor such expected income, expected price, and expected program benefit. In this case if the consumer friend promote or tell him that there are discunt at Wendy’s then he will have the intention to buy Wendy’s product. – Postpurchase BehaviourIs the stages of the buyer decision process in which the consumer takes further action after purchase base on their satisfaction or disatisfaction. The answer lies in the relationship between the consumer expectation and the product percieved performance. If the products fall short of expectation, the consumer is dissapointed; if it meets expectation the consumer is satisfied; if it axceeds expectation, the consumer is delighted. The management of Wendy’s says that almost consumer of Wendy’s will be satisfied even mor e delighted because they guarantee that Wendy’s give the best quality to their consumer.So, they’re sure that their customer will satisfied and doing the repeat consumption. 3. Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy – Market segmentation Dividing a market into smaller groups with distinc needs, characteristic, or behaviour who might require separate products or marketing mix. a. Demographic The demographic segmentation consist of gender (male and female), age (range of ages), etc. b. Geographic Tha geographic segmentation consist of America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia. – Market targeting Now Wendy’s must evaluate the various segment and decides how many and which segment it can serve best. . Demographic Wendy’s has a segmentation of universal gender (male and female), all ages. b. Geographic Wendy’s restaurant covers the America, Europe and Asia region. – Differentiation and positioning Product position is the way the produ ct is defined by consumers on important attribute, the places the products occupies in consumers minds relatives to competing product. Wendy’s has the position of their product in quality and has various menu which common competitor did not have. Such as baked potato. 4. Product, services, and branding strategy. – ProductThe product that offer by Wendy’s is consumer product which is product bought by final consumer for personal consumption. The type of consumer product is convinience product that the customer usually buys frequently, immediately, and with a minimum of comparison and buying effort. In this case the product is fast food which often placed in many location to make customer Wendy’s readly available when customer needs them. – Branding Brand equity is the positive differencial that knowing the brand name has on customer’s respond to the product or service.Wendy’s Indonesia is a franchise of international Wendy’s so the the brand name just follow the original brand. The choose of the brand name â€Å"Wendy’s† base on the reason of simple word (only using one word) to make the customer remember the brand easily. E. Role as an Accountant to help Wendy’s Accounting division in wendy’s is under finance division. Wendy’s finacnce division is straight under mr. Ipeng’s supervision. The directed division creates the division to be one of the high leveled side of company. They collaborate with all division to create budgets and all of the financial matters of the company.Not only in sales probelms but also in company’s staff welfare. All the company’s incentives, fee, and wages is hed by this important division The finance and accounting will help the marketing to plan the budget and give the funding to the respective division that needs it. All the funding are checked and revised by the accounting and finance division. All flow of monetary stream s are going in one way, It’s finance division In order to create good environment for the company to run its business, the company must have all the resources needed to create it.Accountants must have the authority to give consents to other division. So there is no fraud or collusion around the company. Accounting division must have everything that happens in the company for all Inventory, slips, checks, everything that goes into the action important to the company. Accountants must have the authority to take all proves and bank slips in order to have lower control risk as well as to lower inherent risks. Every loans, borrowings, charity in and out to the company always have to report it to finance and accounting division. It is needed to have credibility to run the company.F. Summary & Recommendation Wendy’s has been one of the biggest fast food restaurants all over the world. It arrived in Jakarta back in 1992 and PT Sirat bought it in 1997. PT Wendy Citrarasa took o ver Wendy’s Indonesia in 2006. Wendy’s restaurant has five departments, which are marketing, operational, bussiness development, supply chain, and finance. Esspecially for the marketing department, they work closely with other departments in making decision in marketing strategies, and all of the interrelated departments have an impact on the marketing department’s plan and action.G. References www. wikipedia. com www. wendys. com Kotler, Philip, & Gary Armstrong. 2009. Principles of Marketing. 12th Edition. ———————– Wendy’s Pacific Place, Jakarta Wendy’s Braga, Bandung Marketing Director Finance Director Owner Supply Chain Director Operational Director Bussiness Development Director Marketing Comm. Manager Graphic Designer District Manager Store Manager 1 Store Manager 2 Store Manager 3 Store Manager 26 Project Manager Architec Purchasing Manager Logistic Manager Finance Accountancy

Syllabus anlysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Syllabus anlysis - Essay Example The syllabus for this course has been put under the scanner and this paper attempts to assay the merits of each aspect of the said syllabus. The syllabus on the whole is a well-balanced combination of theory and practice. The students are expected to be punctual, attentive and focused in the classrooms apart from coordinating their efforts in rightly aimed teamwork. The syllabus asks of a student to pay attention to nuances at the same time have the discernment of the bigger scenario. The Religious studies course with attention to mapping the realm of religion is philosophically inclined towards theology at the same time keeps a tab on current world events. Both the ideas are juxtaposed throughout the syllabus Sensitive topics are explored and researched mostly in groups by the learners. Much emphasis has been laid on developing the positive traits of teamwork in the student. The mind has been allowed to explore the corners of the world and unexplored dimensions as well. CLASS PARTICIPATION: As Benjamin Franklin had once said: "He that teaches himself hath a fool for his master." Classroom participation of a scholar enhances the growth of one's intellect. Classrooms are places where ideas are exchanged, communication fostered and diverse ways of problem solving inculcated. Attendance of a student in the class is o

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Moot Problem in the Court of Appeal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Moot Problem in the Court of Appeal - Essay Example The judge argued on the art 10 of the HRA and overlooked the domestic law; the press regulation act 2012, while deciding the above case. The Daily Grind had been fined after the press regulation commission accused the paper for violating section 2 of the press regulation act 2012 which states â€Å"publication by the press of article relating to the private lives of individuals is hereby prohibited†. This was after my client had published an article citing the prime minister as a â€Å"sexual maniac† who is not legible to lead this country and should even quit politics for good. Though the press regulation act of 2012 bars the publication of articles relating to people’s private lives, section 2b gives some provisions where the above restrictions does not hold. This if: â€Å"it is strictly necessary to publish the material relating to the individual’s live in order for criticism of their performance in public office to be made good.† Judge Templeto n-Smythe J was right to give more weight to the HRA, than to our domestic legislation in this issue. For instance, if we allowed local authorities to impose regulations that to some extend limit the international laws on human rights we would just be declaring our country a non-partisan in international treaties at large. In the above stated publication, the Daily Grind was merely expressing its freedom of expression as stated in the article 10 of the convention rights which states: Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and receive and impact information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent states from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises. 1 Application of the relevant Strasbourg jurisprudence in the domestic law Though there seems some contradiction of the domestic law and the Human Rights art 10, there has been cases in the past where the two has been harmonized to apply the art 10 in the domestic law. For example, in Manchester city v. Pinnock the Supreme Court came up with a formula to deal with relevant Strasbourg jurisprudences as Karinne and Fiona writes: Where, however, there is a clear and constant line of decisions whose effect is not inconsistent with some fundamental substantive or procedural aspect of our law and whose reasoning does not appear to overlook a point of principle, we consider that it would be wrong for this court not to take that line (p.26)2. Judge Templeton-Smythe in delivering his verdict argued that the Daily Grind has a right to express its opinion as the provisions of the art 10 of the human rights act. Although in another perspective the Daily Grind the may appear to have invoked the premier’s privacy, there was much logic in the publication. For instance, the publications were based on substantial truth as some of the prime minister’s Lovers a t the university are cited to have regular contacts with him up-to-date. The Daily Grind in this case is also entitled to a qualified privilege as per the British law. In a much similar case, in1999, Britain’s highest court defended a news paper against a former prime minister of Ireland as Perry Keller states: The courts have extended this principle to develop a new form of qualified privileg

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Ethics wssay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethics wssay - Essay Example This good reputation will continue earning it more revenues owing to the fact that more customers repurchase vehicles and attracts new customers. The employees of the organization will feel that their employer cares about them and for this reason they will have the impetus to increase their productivity, and there will be a reduction in labor turnover (Institute, 2010). However, the organization will be experience some bottlenecks in case the legislature passes laws that will strip off its tax benefits. The operations of the organization will have to change and there will be lower profits. Uncertainty is not good for business; the organization should always strive to be in control or to influence action where possible. Volkswagen can allow the vote to go through as this is in line with the organization’s ethical culture of promoting the workers’ welfare. The Promotion of the workers’ welfare will enhance productivity, minimize the labor expenses ascribed to the exit of employees, and maintain a good public image. The organization also needs to gain support from the legislature and the governor on the importance of ethical behavior to a flourishing business. This meeting with the law-making authorities is essential for the out and out clarification of the rationale for the decision in order for the organization to limit the probability of negative consequences. The organization needs to let the state know that the success of the business is advantageous to the state in terms of additional revenue generation. An explanation to the state will also give the organization an even better reputation for risking its business for the welfare of its employees (Institute, 2010). This deci sion will portray the organization as one that has a commitment to bringing positive change in the culture of non-unionism. The state is likely to support the organization in the quest to maintain the state’s popularity as a caring authority for its citizen’s welfare.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Discussion Paper - Green Meetings Task Force Report Essay

Discussion Paper - Green Meetings Task Force Report - Essay Example Every sector of the event industry, is supposed to develop comprehensive environmental policies coupled with a strategy, in order to implement the environmental policy. There should also be constant communication between the management staff and auxiliary staff, regarding the stipulations of the environmental policy. Additional minimum measures include- recycling used products, purchasing environmental friendly products, performing routine maintenance checks on emissions, creating energy management programs to reduce energy consumption and generally avoiding wasting resources. Some suggestions put forward by the Council are easy to implement, such as- ensuring that all employees are properly informed regarding the measures of environmental sustainability, recycling and using biodegradable products. However, some of the measures are very difficult to implement. Such measures include- curbing the emissions of vehicles and using alternative fuel vehicles. The measures needed to be implemented, to create a sustainable environment, are very costly. The measures require a lot of capital to be implemented. Additionally, the measures require enormous support from the government. However, there is no political will from the government. These are some of the obstacles that may limit the implementation of the measures. The issue of environmental sustainability has been a hot topic globally. Therefore, I wish to ask a few questions regarding its possibility- Are the minimum measures adopted adequate? Have we reached a point of no return regarding

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Career as a Registered Practical Nurse (Canada) Research Paper

Career as a Registered Practical Nurse (Canada) - Research Paper Example As Pandit (2011) states, â€Å"being a registered nurse is beneficial for a long-term career.† Working as a registered practical nurse is a challenging and rewarding task in Canada. People like to choose the profession of registered practical nursing because it injects the sense of social responsibility in their minds, as well as helps them serve humanity in an appropriate manner. The profession of registered practical nursing requires a person to have a deep interest and effective nursing skills in order to be successful in this field. An interest in the field of medical science and 20 years experience in healthcare as a Personal Support Worker in long-term care, home care and Hospice Palliative care best match the profession of registered practical nursing. Skills in long-term care and hospice palliative care reflect actual nursing role of a registered practical nurse. A registered practical nurse also needs to have a caring and sympathetic personality along with other nursing and clinical skills. According to VandeCreek (2000), love and healing are such intangibles, which are imperative for a patient’s recovery (p. 48). Moreover, he/she should also have a deep knowledge of nursing and direct clinical practices. Such qualities and skills are the perfect match for a person who wants to establish his/her career as a registered practical nurse. There are two main ways for a person to become a registered nurse. First way is a Bachelor’s degree in nursing. A Bachelor’s degree (BSN) is the most common way that people use to earn the status of a registered nurse. A person has to spend full four years as a nursing student to earn this degree and become a registered practical nurse. This degree helps a person get additional clinical experience, as well as career flexibility. Another positive aspect of a BSN degree is that it prepares nurses for clinical practices and for teaching and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Critique English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critique English - Essay Example In the extreme, the males are more inclined to take their own lives five times more during their teenage years to their early twenties compared to the females. Speaking of living a privileged life, their lives does not seem to be privileged considering that the males are more likely to be abused physically by their parents, drops out of school and face unemployment. In their adult life, males are also more likely to be homeless, and to become dependent to alcohol and drugs. The females may be complaining about assault and violence but males are in fact twice as much more susceptible to it than females. When they work, their chance to get killed due to work related accident is nine times more than the female and they die six years earlier on the average. Worst, nobody seems to care. Their issues are often their own while the female can go blame society for their failures. For the female part, we already heard their predicament all too well yet their plights were as true as they were f irst raised eons ago. Yes, gender discrimination still exists and sexism is still prevalent despite the campaign against it. Stevie Cameron best demonstrated it by using our daughter as the character that would best personify our anxieties and hopes about the females. There, it was illustrated how unfair and discriminating the male dominated society is. Beginning at school where girls’ facilities are not given that much importance compared to boys such as the relegation of gymnastics to football. When they grew up, their moves are restricted both literally and figuratively. They cannot just walk to places wherever they want and during their adult life, their movements in their respective careers are also restricted by the glass ceiling. They are also subjected to sexist snide aspersions not only with remarks but also on downplaying issues that matter to them. These issues and concerns, I believe are more important than the predicament of the males. It is because the femalesâ €™ issues are rooted in discrimination which society relegates them as secondary citizen just because of their gender. This discrimination is a very serious issue and has overarching consequences to every aspect of their lives not just the simple â€Å"they are girls and we are boys’ issues†. This discrimination pervades in every sphere of our society that women has to contend just because of their female gender. Compared to the males where the issue they have to contend are the stress brought upon by the competitive patriarchal society and being such, are more tolerable than discrimination because competiveness is self-imposed. Their fall out, such as their higher probability in facing economic dislocation (unemployment, homelessness, etch) as well as the stereotyping of their intelligence are a result of their laxity towards education that dumb down their intellectual acumen. Whereas with the females, they are being restricted no matter how hard they try just bec ause of their gender. Worst, they inadvertently became victim of assault, sexual or otherwise, where a troubled man in Montreal took it to the extreme when he separated the women from the men and slaughtered them because he believed that women are the cause of his troubles. Men do not get these issues out of their gender. Many men have been victimized by assault also but it is not related to gender. For example, their increased probability to be attacked is a consequence of their reckless mobility. If you walk alone in unlit park or alley in a very

Friday, August 23, 2019

An inhumane practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An inhumane practice - Essay Example Animals are no different from us humans, because they have the same organs and systems that we have. This is most especially true with chimpanzees, which share 99% of their DNA with us humans (Goodall 173, par. 5). That means that they are also capable of interacting socially with their own kind, or of other species, as well as feeling pain. Because humans are seen as advanced creatures capable of empathizing with what happens to other people, it is important that we remain as such by extending our empathy with creatures that are lower than our status. If we remain indifferent to the plight of animals even though we have awareness of the pain and sufferings that they endure, that itself rubs us off of the true meaning of humanity and being human. We become just like any other lower kinds of animals that only pursue their own interests and goals. While there are some people that believe in the upholding of the rights of animals, there are still a greater number of those that do not se e how the use of animals in medical research can be likened to a dictatorship that steps on the rights of the weak, which is why I firmly believe that to restore our humanity, the use of animals in medical research must be stopped altogether. ... They can also get sick and they are not immune to pain, even without the intervention of humans. For example, chimpanzees are capable of cognitive abilities and socialization, but can also experience depression, sickness and hopelessness (Goodall 175, par. 20). Like chimpanzees, animals are also capable of feeling distressed at being separated from their family or social unit, or seeing the death of their own kin. Does this not make them like us, whenever we feel a sense of loss or homesickness from being away from the people we care about? This is why we must be liable in our actions towards animal use, and not justifying it by our greater power over animals. By using them as sacrificial lambs in the pursuit of improving human health as whole, it is not any different from tyrants or dictators that show off their power by feeding from the weaknesses of their subjects (Cohen and Regan 21). It is therefore inhumane to allow the proliferation of pain and suffering, even among lower anim als. We may frown at the human rights that are being trampled upon by such dictatorship, but what about the plight of animals being used as experiments and getting pain and torment from the human captors? Letting animals experience pain is no different from other predatory animals that let instinct take over without considering what other animals might feel. Humanity loses its value because the one thing that separates us from animals, sympathy and kindness towards all other living things gets lost, making us no better than animals moving on instinct and self-preservation. In my opinion it is equally important we also exert the same sympathy towards animals because as Immanuel Kant has said, anyone who is cruel towards animals are also capable of being

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Measuring The Fair Value Essay Example for Free

Measuring The Fair Value Essay Financial Accounting Standard seven (FAS 7) guides entities in determining the fair value estimates for the financial statement needs. This is a general rule that is applied worldwide so that figures appearing in statements may make sense to all stakeholders. Such unbiased figures will be of use incase local companies want to trade internationally, because uniformity in cost or value measurements are made uniform. Financial Accounting Standard one hundred and fifty seven (FAS 157), is applicable to either financial or non financial assets or liabilities being measured fairly as per authorities on accounting pronouncements. The absence of a particular consistent framework in fair value estimates for quoted prices can create inconsistencies or incomparability. The Financial accounting Standards framework does away with inconsistencies on the balance sheet figures as per historical cost and income statement figures. According to Financial Accounting Standard one hundred and fifty seven (FAS 157), fair value is the price received when selling an asset and the amount paid in transferring a liability in a transaction that is taking place on active markets. This price may also be called the exit value. Such prices are determined by both financial and economic factors and operate at free will, while holding other factors constant. It can also be determined by considering that all participating parties are acting at free will and are competing for the few available resources. Fair value in future markets is an equivalent amount in future contracts. This will be an equivalent of the spot price just after you have considered compounded interest or lost dividends due to the fact that investors own future contracts but not physical stocks for a particular time period. A liability’s fair value is the sum for incurring the liability or selling it on any current transaction. (Brian, 2007 p.35-45) FAS 157 stress using market input when making an estimation of an asset’s or liability’s fair value. Prices that are quoted, data for credits and curves for yields are instances for market inputs under FAS157. Quoted prices may measure fair value most accurately but due to the non existence of active markets other techniques may be used in estimating asset’s or liability’s fair value. Under FAS157 assumptions applied in estimating fair value may be from a non related market participant’s perspective. It will therefore be necessary to identify the market for trading an asset or liability. (Brian, 2008 p.46-52). Conclusion: Incase of the availability of more than one market, FAS 157 expects the ‘much advantageous market’ to be used. Prices and costs for transacting should be considered when estimating the much advantageous market. It can therefore be concluded that fair value accounting is the greatest relevant estimate in financial instruments. Fair value accounting should be retained in financial accounting, because it ensures a true and unbiased view of the financial statements. Financial statements will be a clean representation of an entity’s financial and economic position to all stakeholders who might be interested in the performance of any publically traded company. REFERENCES: AICPA. (2010). Fair value Accounting @   Retrieved On May 4 2010 Brian, N. (2007). Retaining Fair Value in Accounting. London: Oxford University Press. Brian, N. (2008). The Need for Fair Value Accounting. New York: Nerd Press. Gerald, M. (2009). Fair Value Accounting Fraud: New Global Risks and Detection Techniques. New York: Harcourt and Brace. James, W. (2009).   Market to Market and Fair Value Accounting. New York: Nerd Press. James, W. (2009). Fair Value Accounting Principles. New York: Harcourt and Brace. Mark, L. (2008). Fair Value Measurements: practical Guidance and Implementation

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Secret doctrine Essay Example for Free

Secret doctrine Essay Thesis statement: There is a need for human beings to be a part of a group. Elite and even secret organizations such as freemasonry satisfies this need and serve as a driving force to act as ideal citizens and initiate change in the society. First argument: Involvement in freemasonry helps an individual to become a better person. Like any other organization, freemasonry has its own set of guides on the behavior of its members. They obey moral laws and as a matter of fact, a person should be morally upright if he wants to be a mason. â€Å"A Mason is obliged by his Tenure, to obey the moral law: and if he rightly understands the Art, he will never be a stupid Atheist nor an irreligious Libertine† (Catholic Encyclopedia) If a man is guided by a moral law, it is obvious that he will live an upright life especially if they have friends who are accountable to their actions. In freemasonry, each member treats each others as brothers. Brotherhood means that they should stand with one another especially when it comes to their personal life and maintaining the goal of their organization. As relational beings, we need friends and people we are comfortable with to motivate us. In the case of masonry, each member is motivated to live according to the standard of their organization because everyone is doing it. Second argument: Masonry inspires its members to initiate social change and political revolution. In the case of French Revolution, freemasonry played a major role in its success. â€Å"While it is both simplistic and specious to lay the responsibility for the French Revolution at the door of Freemasonry, there is no question that freemasons, as individuals, were active in building, and rebuilding, a new society. † (Freemasons in the French Revolution, freemasonry. byc. ca) Its members who were considered as intellectuals of their society were the ones who were responsible in initiating the revolution. Indeed, a society needs intelligent and passionate leaders who will initiate social change and even revolution. In the Philippines, their 1896 revolution against the Spanish regime was also inspired by freemasonry. Andres Bonifacio who happened to be its founder and supreme leader is a member of freemasonry. Because of his experiences as a mason, Bonifacio was able to organize their system of laws and beliefs. They were able to create their own constitution and just like freemasonry, they believe in the Supreme Being. But more than its structure, Bonifacio was deeply inspired by the teachings of Freemasonry. Although there is a belief that freemasonry holds a secret doctrine, teachings such as social justice and equality are part of their organization. These teachings inspired Bonifacio and other great political leaders to lead a social revolution. References â€Å"Freemasonry†. New Advent. Org. 22 February 2008. http://www. newadvent. org/cathen/09771a. htm#III . â€Å"Freemasons in the French Revolution†. 8 September 2002. Grand Lodge of British Columbia. 22 February 2008. http://freemasonry. bcy. ca/texts/revolution. html.

Psychology for Social Work Practice

Psychology for Social Work Practice Child development is the process of human growth and changes from birth through adolescence (Smith et al 2005). It is the study of how children develop perception, thought processes, emotional reactions and patterns of social behaviour (Mussein, 1990). Observation is a vital tool in analysing and understanding child development and holds key implication of effectiveness of social work practice in recent year (McKinnon 2008). The aim of this report is to analyse my observation of a two years three month old girl. My interpretation of the behaviour observed will be analysed critically using psychological theories with detail of the steps carried out in other to gain consent for the observation. Furthermore, the skills required for my observation will be described, in relation to my future practice, and some relevant psychological theories; stages of human development will be discussed including their relevance. Finally I will reflect on my learning and how it applies to social work as a profession. Child and Family Confidentiality Prior to the observation being conducted, I familiarized myself with the General Social Care Council (GSCC) (2002) Code of Practice to enable me to carry out the observation in a professional way. The child chosen for observation is my colleagues friends daughter, at the preliminary stage, I requested if I could observe her child for my coursework. My observers mother informed me she would discuss the issue with her husband and get back to me. A few days later, I was invited to meet both parents and was able to explain the aim of my assignment. Having explained my aim, I assured them that confidentiality will be maintained; their daughters identity will not be disclosed. I reassured the couple that their privacy will be respected and the daughters wellbeing will be paramount throughout. Consequently, I was given a verbal consent by both parents with approved signatures on the letter of agreement. Child Details As stated above, for anonymity, the childs name will not be mentioned, but will be referred to as Child A for the purpose of confidentiality as stated in GSCC 2002 section (2). Child A is a two years, three month old female. The observation took place at Child As family residence; she is the second child of the family, the only female, lives with her parents and her older brother of which the family composition is middle class, the aim of the observation is to observe Child As behaviour and also to learn how different behaviours relate to different theories. Skills required for structured observation Planning, respect, communication, working as partnership, reflection, listening and being focused are necessary skills required in carrying out structured observation. In Childs A selection process, I established a relationship of collaborative/partnership work between myself and Child As parents, listening to Child A communication with her family during observation has given me the insight of the importance of attentive listening through structured observation (CDWC 2007a: 7-8). The need to be focused by looking closely at Child A and not deviating from my aim has made me to understand how child learns and develop (HNCRC 2007). I also use reflective skills for child observation, as it enables me to reflect on what I have seen and provide accurate record of child behaviour (Wood et al 2005). Psychological theories and their relevance to social work practice Psychologists have defined behaviour in terms of bodily processes and social psychology defines it in terms of peoples interactions. For example Skinner (1953) believes that behaviour modification is based on operant conditioning and it is a way of assisting someone to change their unacceptable behaviour by offering a reward or punishment. From my observation in (Appendix week1), Child A, cries whenever she needs any item from Child B, she is aware of the attention gained whenever she cries and this will result in her getting what she wants. However, this behaviour could have negative consequences as well. Skinner will relate Child As behaviour as an operant conditioning, as Child A continues to cry for her older brothers toys, having known that her behaviour leads to a particular consequences. She behaves this way as she receives attention from her brother by always getting back the toys she wanted, which is reinforcement with reward, a behaviourist perspective. On the other hand, the study of behaviour by Bandura (1977) a Social perspective would disagree with Skinner, as Skinner would say that Child As behaviour is observational based on learning imitation. Child A may have seen someone at her school or a social gathering displaying such behaviour and so copies the same behaviour. Bandura (1971) suggested that learning moral rules by the individual is not in response to their exposure to punishment or reward, but by observing the behaviour of other people (Nicolson et al 2006: 23).This relates to Child As behaviour in (Appendix week1) and shows how the end result may not be as significant as the behaviourist perspective would have believed. As a professional social worker, working with people from different backgrounds it is important to have knowledge of psychological theories as its a vital tool that can be used to understand and interpret behaviour in social work practice. Also social workers need to have a wide knowledge of different cultures and be sure when they are applying psychological perspectives they have an objective mind taking into account individual differences such as ethical, cultural and religious. Stages of human development and its relevance to social work practice. The study of human development is the progressive behavioural changes in an individual from birth. Psychologists have identified the changes that occur at a similar age for most children, from research and evidence, these changes are dependent to some extent on maturation, although certain environmental factors must be present for development to take place and so its difficult to decide whether the appearance of a new ability is simply due to learning or maturation (Woods 2000:5). For instance, Jean Piaget (1932) cited in Wood (2000) proposes that children think differently from adults, their knowledge is structured differently and shows their understanding developed in the following stages: First stage is the Sensory Motor Stage (Birth to 18 months) At this first stage the child watches moving object, reach out towards it and is able to grab the object, the child will put the object in the mouth and try to explore it by biting and smelling. Second stage is Pre-Operational Stage (18 months- 7 years old) During this stage the language are developed using words and expression, which enable the child to talk about things and express ideas. Third stage is Concrete Operational Stage (7-11 years) The child is able to centre more logical thinking and able to understand that it is possible for there to be two different view of the same thing at the same time and able to decentre. While the final stage is Formal Operational Stage (11 years and older) The child can manipulate ideas in its head, for example being able to calculate by thinking through imagining the impossible sequence. From cognitive perspective, Piaget also believed that the environment can affect childs development but, argued that it will not prevent a child from skipping the cognitive development stage. However, he would have interpreted Child As behaviour, as due to the fact that she is in the pre-operational stage and she demonstrates this behaviour by using ability and memory. Her thinking is in a non-logical manner as she suddenly cries for her mothers attention in other to get what she wants (Woods 2000:227-231). Relevance to social work practice The relevance of this observation to social work practise is that the use of theories would help to understand individuals behaviour. As a result social workers need to acquire skills and knowledge to enable them to understand the reason why a particular event occurs. To achieve this, social workers need to be aware of sensitive issues around them (Thompson 2005). However this observation process increased my understanding of Child A; as a very happy chid, to appreciate her skills and unique qualities and to come into her world and see things from her perspective (Faulkner, 1995). This has become so relevant, as the failing of professionals in the Laming Report (2003) highlights; which emphasises the need for professionals to move the focus away from the parents and back to the child (Copper, 2005). Reflect on my experience In reflecting on my role on child observation, I have learnt how to focus my attention and reflect on it afterwards, trying to make my presence less obvious. It is good practice to avoid assumption and being non-judgemental is vital. Each individual is different and their needs must be tailored to individual requirements. I now understand that self-reflection is a continuous process during observation, which is to reflect on what I am doing and reflect on my reaction and interpretation of what took place by thinking, writing and recording report. Payne (1997) defines reflection as to imagine alternative ways to understand situations using observation. In addition, looking into different theories and perspectives has given me the insight into how they can be applied to practice. Children also need to be encouraged to join in to activities that they may not be interested in, taking into account their reasons for not interacting. I have also learnt that children use gesture to express what they want to say if they are not in the mood to speak. This is of an interest to me as I want to work with children with special needs who are not able to communicate through speaking and use their behaviour as a way of communicating instead. As such this assignment has made me feel a little more confident in approaching people. Conclusion In conclusion, I have learnt greatly through observation and reading. I have realised that working from ones own personal perspective can be oppressive and it is better to use different perspectives in dealing with individuals. I have also gained knowledge on behaviourism and how it can be used to relate to childrens behaviour which is relevant to social work practice and not to have general assumption about children as there are individual differences. I have also acquired good knowledge and understanding of child development. REFERENCES Bandura A (1971) Social Learning Theory General Learning Press Childrens Workforce Development Council (CDWC 2007) (online) accessed on 25/11/2010 at accessed on 09/12/10 Copper A (2005) Surface and Depth in the Victoria Climbe Inquiry Report Child and Family Social Work 10 1-9 Faulkner D (1995) Play Self and the Social World In Barnes P (ed) Personal Social and Emotional Development of Children General Social Care Council (2002) (online) accessed on 26/11/2010 at HNCRC (2007) The early years Foundation Stage: Effective Practice Observation Assessment and Planning Laming Report (2003) (online) accessed on 10/11/2010 at McKinnon F (2008) Child Observation and Professional Practice In Ruch G (ed) Post-Qualifying Child Care Social Work Developing Reflective Practice Sage Mussein P (1990) (7th ed) Child Development Harper and Row publishers Nicolson P Bayner R and Owen J (2006) (3rd ed) Applied Psychology for Social Workers Payne M (1997) (2nd ed) Modern Social Work Theory Macmillan Skinner B F (1953) Science and Human Behaviour Macmillan Smith P C H and Blades M (2005) Understanding Children Development (4th ed) Blackwell Publishers Thompson N (2005) Understanding Social Work Preparing for Practice Palgrave Macmillan Woods B (2000) Basics in Psychology Hodder Stoughton Wood M Taylor J (2005) Early Childhood Studies: An Holistic Introduction Hodder Arnold

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Great Depression Essay -- American History

The Great Depression The Big Picture The Great Depression was the longest and most severe economic decline in American history. On October 29, 1929, the stock market crashed and began the depression. Although industry leaders issued optimistic predictions for the nation's economy, the market crash wiped out nearly 40% of the paper values of stocks. Great innovations in productive techniques during and after the war raised the output of industry beyond the purchasing capacity of U.S. farmers and working force. As a result of this, unemployment skyrocketed during the years of the Depression, reaching levels as high as one third of the population. Almost half of the commercial banks of the United States failed during the Depression. Crop prices fell by over fifty percent. People went hungry because so much food was produced that production became unprofitable. Others were unemployed because they had produced more than could be sold. Hundreds of thousands roamed the country in search of food, work, and shelter. Huge numbers of Americans had their lives upset by the Depression. Homelessness, poverty and despair characterized much of the nation in those days. Many of those who could not provide for their families, in larger cities as well as smaller towns, committed suicide to put an end to their troubles. Small Town Life The depression was not limited to the confines of large cities, it spread like a disease throughout our great nation. It even managed to find its way into the small town of Oakesdale, Washington. Frances Taylor, a mere child at this time clearly remembers the events that took place. "As children, we weren't really aware of what was going on. We simply didn't understand the concept of being poor." Many fam... ...ovided the initial 63 million dollars for the project to begin. "My father found work by being part of the construction of Grand Coulee Dam. He would stay on the site while our mother took care of the children back in Oakesdale. He would send the money back to support the family." The Grand Coulee Dam would provide many jobs for the unemployed as well as be used in the upcoming war. It was used primarily for irrigation at first, but as the war progressed it was changed to produce more electricity for the Northwest's aluminum industry. The beginning of World War II would prove to be the factor that directed America out of the Depression. How ironic, that such a horrifying event could spur an economic rejuvenation. The Depression was a trying time, America was at a loss for words and money, but as a nation, we pulled together and got through the worst of the worst.

Monday, August 19, 2019

John Rawls’s The Law of Peoples :: John Rawls Law Peoples Essays

John Rawls’s The Law of Peoples From its beginnings, Edward Said's Orientalism (1978) has produced conflict in post-colonial studies. Does Professor Said’s theory suggest global implications and/or strategies as Culture and Imperialism (1993) argues? Or does the East of Orientalism belong only to the Middle East and particularly to Middle Eastern studies? Is there a monolithic "Othering" at work? Or do resistive pockets exist within Western imperial discourse? Perhaps the thorniest issue, however, concerns the stance from which to view global issues of imperialism and colonization. Ethical decisions—judgments, in a word—should play a large part in post-colonial theorizing and critiques. But on what basis can judgments be made? Where should accountability lie? And if there is accountability, how can it be enforced? Moreover, there has been a recent shift in the major players in the 21st century version of the Great Game. Said and Bhabha have, in characteristically fine ways, questioned the stability of the term â€Å"nation.† â€Å"National identity† may now be seen more as a â€Å"notional identity.† But does it matter any more? Does national identity even count? These questions come on the heels of global political reactions to global capitalist institutions (multinational corporations) and the global political institutions wholly owned and operated by them. By global capitalist institutions, I mean organizations like Bertelsmann, Aramco, Merck, Sony, Microsoft, Daimler-Benz, and so on. By global political institutions, I refer to the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO, and the various protectors of Intellectual Property. Imperialism and colonization must now be looked at in terms of these global institutions, rather than in political or even cultural terms. The dichot omies first world/third world, east/west, north/south, developed/underdeveloped do not hold the relevance they once had. There are thus two issues to be faced: first, how to establish a foundational basis for ethical judgments, and second, how to theorize resistance to the new economic imperialism which has changed rather radically from the old imperialism of nation-state or region and which has rendered Samuel Huntington’s â€Å"clashes of culture† obsolete. Critics of both of these situations must ask where to look for guiding principles upon which to base judgments within a global context. I want to avoid both the hegemonic â€Å"westernization† of democratic/capitalist values and the seemingly benign cultural relativism that avoids any standards of ethical or political judgment.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Compulsive Gambling and It’s Cost to the Economy :: essays research papers

Compulsive Gambling and It’s Cost to the Economy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  More than 5 million Americans are pathological, compulsive and problem gamblers, and another 15 million are at risk of becoming just like them. A common definition of problem gambling is: a progressive disorder characterized by a continuous or periodic loss of control over gambling and irrational thinking and behavior despite the consequences. When gambling interferes with any one’s life, it can be categorize as an addiction or disease, just like alcohol and drug addiction is categorize as a disease. A study conducted for the National Gambling Impact Study Commission found that 20 million American have or could develop gambling problems. Also they have estimated those 1.8 million American adults as well as up to 1.1 million American adolescents age 12 through 17 engage in severe â€Å"pathological† gambling each year. As legalize gambling has become more common in the United States; problems have sprung up as well. That negative influence is becoming more apparent as gambling is more widely available. It is becoming increasingly easy to gamble in the United States particularly in the last 10 years, and problems with gambling are much more common now than they ever were. Studies show that for every dollar gambling produces for a regional economy, three dollars are lost because of the economic and social cost of gambling. The study has also said that if the government legalizes more gambling, taxpayers will lose money, whether they gamble or not. The gambling industry believ es it is just selling an innocent form of family entertainment, but they don’t mention how much the players lose or how gambling encourages addictive behavior or the enormous costs it creates for the rest of society. It has been said that, gamblers with higher counts of gambling symptoms will have higher rates of problem. There many consequences associated with compulsive, pathological and problem gamblers. Examples of such consequences include job and financial problems, divorce, poor health, and criminal involvement. These addictions are the lifeblood of the gambling industry, said an economist from the University of Illinois by name Earl Grinols.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Hirschi Social Control Theory Essay

I agree with Hirchi’s Theory to a certain extent only. This is because I believe it is not applicable to all people and to all situations. Yes, it may be true that when a person, as early as his childhood, conforms to fit into groups and find his place, he will probably be a person who is responsible and law-abiding. While we still have our own self-interests and individuality, we all want to feel we belong and mould our beliefs and involvements to form attachments. Also, as stated by Hirchi’s Theory, conformity is formed by four variables which we develop through our interactions with family and school, the four being: attachment, commitment, involvement and belief. For me, attachment and conformity to different social groups in the society does not guarantee a person for him to be less ready in committing a crime. Yes, a human being’s personality is partly formed by the environment where he is in—may be the attachment and conformity with his environment helps in molding a righteous and morally-upright personality. But in humanism, a human being has the absolute control to his life. He has free will and it is up to him how he will react to the stimuli created by his environment. In addition, psychologically, the formation of personality is still debatable whether it is nature or nurture. Nature says that a human being’s personality is genetic and on the other hand, nurture says that personality is molded by his environment. I think that some criminals can still be counseled psychologically targeting areas where in he has not yet matured and where he is still fixated—some of these may be the lack of attachment to social groups.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Restoration of the Athenian Empire

â€Å"The Restoration of the Athenian Empire† Our walls are crumbling and our fleet is minute. We here in Athens are unable to collect tribute from other city-states and are often in threat of being attacked. Our fleet is defenseless and weak. The Democratic fraction, propose that we spend our time and hard earned money on the rebuilding of our walls and fleet. That way Athens can dangerously collect tributes from other Greek city-states. The Democrats also would like to commence in hazardous military voyages with our insubstantial navy. Hoping the result brings forth great rewards.However as a Student of Socrates I strappingly disagree with the Democratic fractions. Yes our walls are collapsing and our fleet feeble but, is it essential to spend our money and time to rebuild. Is it of such importance collecting tributes that we put our great people of Athens at high risk? If we are to lead our few strong navy men to expeditions will they return, and who will protect our city-s tate. Instead of rebuilding and wasting our valuable time and money, the Students of Socrates propose to enlarge the hoplite divisions. Our foot soldiers will however need equipment in order to protect our great state.We feel that with the money saved from not rebuilding our walls and fleet, our great state can provide these soldiers with the necessary tools. We do not want our walls or fleet to be rebuilt and feel as we should be self-sufficient within our own decaying walls. We feel that if we were to rebuild the fleet we could potentially be corrupting our great people with foreigner’s ideas and thoughts. As Socrates states â€Å"the Democratic fractions will make a tour of other states, where they will hire actors, with their fine persuasive voices, to play their works to large audiences, and sway them over to tyranny or democracy. As found on Page 306 568c Instead of becoming corrupt we wish to make Athens stronger. Socrates advice would be â€Å"to stick to his own wa y of life†. Anytime you allow outside influence your allowing potential corruption. Also Athens navy is frail and unable to protect the fleet so we would be risking the few strong men we have along with the rest of the Athenian’s. It is vital that we keep our strongest men safe so that we can train several upcoming foot soldiers. Who would we have to protect Athens if our strongest were directed on an expedition and perished?Instead of allowing Athens to become corrupt or even worse weakened under attack we would like to see our great state become self-sustaining. In this we would like Athenian’s to depend on our own resources. We can learn to make what we don’t have and the things that are insurmountable we can learn to live without. This may not be easy but, in time we will become a much stronger Greek unit. Socrates states on page 295 559b â€Å"But the desire for a more varied and luxurious diet is one which, with discipline and training from an early age, can normally be got rid of, and which is physically damaging to intelligence and self-discipline.May it therefore rightly be called unnecessary? † We will learn to be happy with our own resources and man-made items. This will make us nondependent on any other city-state. With our hoplite divisions trained, enlarged and, with sufficient equipment we should be less fearful of potential invasions. If by chance an assault on Athens was to transpire we now have many trained and equipped foot soldiers to protect us. In conclusion The Students off Socrates feel that by not rebuilding the fleet or wall we are making Athens a sturdier more dependent unit.We intend to grow our own nourishment, live off our own resources, and make our own merchandises. Without negative effects of foreign persuasion’s all our efforts and valuable resources will be retained within our own city-state. That with the saved expenses we are able to provide necessary tools and train many added foot soldiers. Adding superfluous security within our city-state. With the expansion of our hoplite division we will be able to keep our great state of Athens and all its inhabitants safe. l

Context of Modernism

IntroductionCONTEXT OF MODERNISMModernism is a set of cultural or aesthetic manners which associates with the scientific and the artistic motion which started in the decennary around the First World War and have dominated among several motion such as cubism, functionalism and surrealism. Sarup, M. ( 1993 ) . However in architecture, modernism reacts to the dedication of turn toing new edifices after the two World Wars such as mass lodging of traditional signifiers and the potency for researching new conditions of production such as new stuffs and engineering. Le Corbusier and Mies van der Roche were the cardinal influences of modern architecture ; they took several civilizations and tradition to explicate the impression of modern architecture. Curtis, W. J.R. ( 2001 ) . Modernist have the thought that architecture should hold a consequence as being ‘functionalistic, positive, technocentric, and rationalistic ‘ with their edifice or urban planning. Harvey, D. ( 1990 ) page 35. In the World War II, Modernism became popular particularly in the United State where it took on a new life by utilizing different engineerings such as steel frame and glass drape walls for building skyscrapers and suburban office Parkss and shopping centres which were cost-efficient. Ghirardo, D. ( 1996 ) .CONTEXT OF POSTMODERNISMPostmodernism is really equivocal to depict because it has certain elements that relates to modernism. The term originated within creative persons and critics in the United State in the 1960s and it was distributed in the European and other industrial states in the seventiess. However postmodernism is an unstable construct of motion within an beforehand capitalist civilization that argue the ocular attacks in literary unfavorable judgment of art, movie, manner and architecture within the political economic societal conditions of the late twentieth century. It besides involves the new relationship between world and nature. Ghirardo, D. ( 1996 ) . Postmodernist impression of attacks to architecture derived from modernism political orientation of architecture, and it even influences some postmodern designers, this is because of their cognition from preparation and besides their modern methods of buildings but they besides add their new construct to their edifices. Jencks, C. ( 1988 ) . There are three rules that Robert Stern ‘s article portrays to depict the features of postmodernism, the first feature is ‘contextualism, ‘ this describes the single edifice as ever a fragment that represents its environment. The 2nd is ‘allusionism ‘ , which emphasise the edifice of its historical and cultural facets, and the 3rd is ‘ornamentalism ‘ , and this suggests all the walls of the edifice to hold an architectural significance. ( See the work of Robert Stern ) Bertens, H. ( 1995 ) page 59. Postmodernism has besides emerged the classical phase whereby it has influenced certain postmodern designers like Michael Graves, James Stirling, Norman Neuerburg and even Philip Johnson ‘s AT & A ; T edifice ( see figure 1 ) . Jenks emphasise that the ‘Free-Style Classicism ‘ determines some features of postmodern architecture which started exactly from the 1980s. ( See the work of Charles Jencks ) Bertens, H. ( 1995 ) page 64.Critic OF POSTMODERNISM ON MODERNIST NOTION OF ARCHITECTUREDavid Harvey argues about if ‘postmodernism, for illustration, stand for a extremist interruption with modernism, or is it merely a rebellion within modernism against a signifier of high modernism. ‘ Harvey, D. ( 1990 ) page 42. This message is to oppugn the architecture of the postmodern motion, Harvey so explains by underscoring that postmodernism has widely identify a interruption with the modernist construct that planning, planing and development should concentrate on the wide-scale, technologically rational and economically urban program which should be strict on thoughts of design with a functionalist perceptual experience of an international manner. Harvey, D. ( 1990 ) . The most influential critic on postmodernism and modernism is Charles Jenks, he portrayed architecture from a lingual point of position as accents in his book ‘The Language of Post-Modern Architecture ‘ . Jenks argues that postmodernism architecture is non a interruption of modernism but nevertheless it ‘s seeking to get the better of the political orientation of its architecture non by dropping it but by widening the ‘language ‘ to a different degree into a common and commercial but off from tradition. He listed all the old edifices as which had modern features and named them as the ‘ersatz, ‘ nevertheless he calls the new edifice as the ‘social pragmatism. ‘ Jencks, C. ( 1991 ) page 97. Furthermore he pinpoints the exact day of the month for the decease of ‘modern architecture ‘ as he reference at 3:32 autopsy, July 15, 1972 when the Pruitt-Igoe lodging undertaking built in 1951 was demolished. Similarly Charles Jenks explores further the thought of the modernist thought within postmodernism architecture, he argues that postmodern architecture is ‘double coded ‘ , this suggest that postmodernism is an eclectic mixture of traditional codifications with modern 1s this shows that modernism is ever one of the codifications that signifiers postmodernism so postmodern architecture has evolve from modernism but it must travel beyond modern manner. Therefore postmodernism is to interrupt wholly or drop modernist thought of architecture but has extended it into a different impression. Jenks explores Mies van de Roche who is a modern designer, he argues that the usage of steel I- beams for edifices are ‘nasty ‘ and ‘brutal ‘ and has no intent for its users or developers so hence postmodernism has evolve to happen solution of bettering the upon modernism. Bertens, H. ( 1995 ) . The indicant that modernism architecture is rational and severe is because the limitations and their influence on traditional signifiers and constructs which most postmodern designers see as ‘pass & A ; eacute ; , ‘ nevertheless when postmodern architect design they contravene to tradition besides when they build their edifices they express it through a modern manner by underscoring on a mixture of different manners. Likewise in the description of postmodern architecture Paolo Portoghesi who besides criticise postmodernism argues that postmodern is any edifice that breaks modern constrains of historical manners with common influences. Kolb, D. ( 1990 ) page 88. The limitation of modern architecture on historical influences is one of the chief challenges of postmodernism. Jean-Francois Lyotard a postmodern critic explains that one features of postmodernism is the transform nature understanding in scientific and computerised society, this has gave them progress cognition and engineering to get the better ofing and the rational and severe impression of modernism. Sarup, M. ( 1993 ) . In favor of this, Joseph Fredrick who defended against the International Style ‘s and his ain thought of building explains that modernism in architecture has assorted characters but its onslaught was on its manner, which necessarily postmodernism has taking over. It is the severity of modernism ‘s traditional signifiers which postmodern took the advantage of scientific cognition to interrupt the historical influences and give freedom for designers to plan their edifice. Larson, M, S. ( 1993 ) . The division between modern and postmodern is that modern is restricted whereby postmodern has its freedom to plan. Furthermore modernist impression of architecture as rational and severe to traditional limitation has non been negated by postmodern but it has interpreted and integrated modernist political orientation. However Jencks argue that postmodernism has non become a interruption or dropped the thought of modernist architecture but it has evolve from modernism, and has notice the apprehension of the development of its clip so they change the way and extended its features to accommodate its epoch. Portoghesi, P. ( 1980 ) . Therefore postmodernism is normally known as the ‘stylistic phenomenon ‘ . Ghirardo, D. ( 1996 ) page 8 Charles Jenks argues that postmodern edifices in general have made a positive impact in architecture, since the 19th century technological building has made a huge betterment on edifices and has been overly-accurate as with the handmade assortment, this and other factors have become the chief ground for its interruption from modernism. Likewise he argues that postmodernism has taking radically from the construct of how to knowledge edifice infinite where as modernist to see infinite as something to be shaped for societal intents, they interpret infinite as something independent, to be design harmonizing to originative purposes but non to overreach its traditional influences. An illustration is Le Corbusier ‘s Domino edifices ( see figure 3 ) which started modernist development of infinite, nevertheless postmodernism reacted to this by looking for solutions to specify ‘place ‘ alternatively of abstract infinites and to set up the assorted ambiguity of infinites inste ad than the simple, predictable traditional edifice of modernist architecture. Jenks, C. ( 1990 ) .Le Corbusier ‘s Domino lodging undertakingThere are certain characteristics of modernism which have been developed by postmodernist designers, the spacial thoughts such as superimposed and shallow simple infinites of Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier. Postmodernist have developed these facets into a more new sort of equivocal infinite with assorted complex elements. Jenks, C. ( 1988 ) . Charles Jencks points out that postmodern architecture have two grounds into important technological alteration ; the first is the modern-day communications have broken the strong modernist involvement of the rational and severe infinites based on map and of societal involvement. The 2nd is the progress engineerings for illustration computing machine patterning which has broken away from traditional restraints and permitted the flexibleness of planing and building. Jenks, C. ( 1990 ) . Postmodernism has non dropped modernist impression of architecture but it has taking certain elements of it such as infinite and even some traditional facets of edifice and developed it into a more complex manner. However it has set freedom from modernist construct that architecture should be severe and sensible. The progresss scientific engineering has aided postmodernism to germinate from modernism. Jenks, C. ( 1988 ) .Michael Graves as a postmodernism designer.Michael Graves was portion of the late-modern motion before he left the abstract construct attack to the New York Five in 1977 ; this group consisted of Peter Eisenman, Richard Meier, Michael Graves, and Charles Gwathmey. They introduce an progress technique of planing with ‘figural component ‘ , and this has influenced postmodern designers. Schulz, N. ( 1990 ) page 7-8. He so left to fall in other designers such as Venturi, Moore, and Stern who were involve with the paradigm for postmodernism in America. Ghirard o, D. ( 1996 ) . Graves has become one of most influential designers in postmodernism, his construct of fragments have become important to postmodernist designers to plan their edifice in a complex and equivocal manner which contradicts the impression of modernism. Graves has besides adapted postmodern classicalism in architecture such as the Portland Building and the Humana Building ( see figure 4 and 5 ) . Grave has taking the traditional signifiers and manners of classicalism and extended into a postmodern attack by presenting classical skyscrapers. Jenks, C. ( 1988 ) .THE PORTLAND PUBLIC SERVICES BuildingThe Portland edifice ( see figure 4 ) was a really important municipal edifice within its epoch, which was begun in 1980 in Portland Oregon, this undertaking provoked modernist designers because it was one of the most inspirational edifice in postmodernism. Powell, K. ( 1995 ) . The public edifice is located in the center of the country whereby it had to hold a quality of postmodern landmark, but nevertheless his manner out was to convey back ‘figural signifiers ‘ to the edifice to portray the ‘public nature of the context and urban and the internal plan ‘ . He used the classical manner of administration by spliting the edifice into three parts ; which is the base, organic structure and the top.THE HUMANA BuildingDecisionBibliographyBauman, Z. , 2004. 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